Orangetheory Fitness


8038 Providence Road, Ste 100
Charlotte, NC 28277

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Orangetheory is a science-backed, technology-tracked, coach-inspired group workout designed to produce results from the inside out. The hardest part of our workouts is showing up - we make it simple for you to push yourself, be your personal best and give you more. MORE results. MORE confidence. MORE Life. More than a gym. Because you shouldn’t live to exercise. You should exercise to live.


Open 7 days a week.
Schedule varies.



Spring DriTri

It’s time for Orangetheory’s Spring DriTri! This in-studio, triathlon-inspired challenge is the ultimate test of strength and endurance. Choose the Full (2000m row, 300 reps, 5K run) or Sprint (half distances) and experience the rush of achievement. First heat starts at 7 AM on April 26—stop by or call to sign up!

April 26th
Hosted By: Orangetheory Fitness
Location: 8038 Providence Road, Ste 100, Charlotte, NC 28277